
ReDeTrack is flexible and modular, which means that it can be customised to suit many different businesses, including Courier and Package Deliveries, Facilities Management and Buildings Maintenance and all manner of Service Management applications.

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The hand held terminals use either GPRS, WiFi or a combination of the two to keep in touch with the database system to download work details and upload details of tasks completed (including proof of delivery with signatures if required). This means that ReDeTrack can be used anywhere in the world (providing there is a GPRS mobile phone service available). ReDeTrack has so far been used in the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe.

ReDeTrack is unique in its ability to support, manage and control many diverse types of business. The backbone of the system is its powerful mobile communications capability. This connects the field operative to the back office team through minute by minute interaction, providing a solution to the multitude of technical and business challenges typical of all businesses that have operations in the field.