Courier and Parcel Delivery
ReDeTrack is designed for the parcel delivery process and incorporates all the stages required to keep track of the process, from order to delivery.

Our on-line ordering screens and our off-line order interfaces will allow you and your customers to input consignment order details. Deliveries and Collections can be automatically assigned to your delivery routes by postcode, using optimised route-aware algorithms or manually by your expert route planner. From then on, the stages of the process are controlled by input from the drivers' handheld computers.

If your business involves a trunking stage, the system will help you monitor the movement of pallets from warehouse to hub or depot and back again.

You can, if you wish, monitor the packing and unpacking of pallets within the hub to keep tabs on depot operations. The system will also allow your to monitor stock levels at your different locations using information about items arriving and leaving the location.

The final stages of the delivery are where the system really starts to pay its way. Your drivers scan each package on to their vehicle at the start of the day and again as each one is delivered at its destination. An electronic proof of delivery can be captured at this stage and is instantly viewable on your website - so there will be no arguing about who received what item when!

The returns process can be controlled using the same unit and seamlessly meshes in with the outbound process so the driver doesn't have to use a different device or process.

ReDeTrack can handle fixed route deliveries or download delivery data to the handset at the start of the day.

You can also use ReDeTrack to keep in touch with your drivers using its unique messaging service. With this you can send pop-up messages to all your drivers at once, to a particular driver, or to a particular handset. This message will be carried to them free of charge using the systems GPRS link to the server so should help you control your mobile phone bills.

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Courier and Parcel Delivery